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Ethics Committee

Ethics Committee of CNS - Campus Neurológico

The Ethics Committee of CNS – Campus Neurológico is a multidisciplinary body with technical and scientific independence, serving in an advisory capacity to the Board of Directors.


Its responsibilities include:

a) Ensuring compliance with ethical standards, safeguarding the principle of human dignity and integrity, with a focus on issues related to patients concerning medical practice;

b) Providing opinions on ethical issues within the scope of CNS activity, either proactively or upon request;

c) Offering perspectives on scientific research protocols conducted within CNS, particularly those related to diagnostic or therapeutic trials and experimental techniques involving human beings and their biological products.


The committee comprises members of recognized competence in the fields of Bioethics, Theology, Law, Humanities, and various areas of clinical activity.

Prof. Doutor Mário Miguel Rosa - Presidente
Neurologist and clinical pharmacologist

He has a degree in Medicine from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon and has been a hospital assistant in Neurology at the Hospital de Santa Maria since 2006. He is also a professor of Neurology and Clinical Pharmacology at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon and over the years has developed multiple research works in the area of ​​movement disorders, pain and medication consumption and safety, being the author of multiple publications and book chapters.


He has a degree in Law from the Autonomous University of Lisbon, a postgraduate degree in Public Procurement Law and Practice, from the Portuguese Catholic University, and in Health Law, from the Institute of Political Legal Sciences of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, as well as an eMBA in Leadership and Management. He is currently a jurist at Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa and collaborates with the CNS within the scope of the legal regime for accompanied adults.


Graduated in Medicine from the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Universidade Nova de Lisboa, and has a master’s degree in Philosophy (specialization in Philosophy and Medicine) and a PhD in Medicine. She completed her Neuroradiology specialty in 2009, currently working as a hospital assistant in the Neurological Imaging Service at Hospital de Santa Maria Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Norte-EP. She is also an assistant professor of Imaging at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon and chair of Imaging at the same faculty.


She has a degree in Clinical Psychology from the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Lisbon, a master’s degree in Psychology of Emotions from the Institute of Work and Business (ISCTE) and has a postgraduate degree in Grief Psychotherapy.

She is currently at the CNS, in the liaison team of the Psychiatry Service at Santa Maria Hospital, in the adolescence team and in the suicide study center at the same Hospital.


Graduated in Nursing from the Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Francisco Gentil, she is currently a nurse at the CNS and trainer and coordinator of the Health Assistant Technician Course at the Gustave Eiffel Professional School, having worked at the Hospital Prisional S. João de Deus and the Hospital Professor Doutor Fernando Fonseca.


He graduated from the former Instituto Comercial de Lisboa, currently Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração de Lisboa in Accounting and Administration.Graduated in Mathematics from the Faculty of Sciences of Lisbon. He is a member of the Order of Chartered Accountants. Secondary school teacher and trainer.


Graduated in Physiotherapy, with a Master’s degree in Palliative Care and a PhD in Neurosciences. She is the Scientific and Pedagogical Coordinator of the CNS-Campus Neurológico. She is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon and the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal.


Graduated in Medicinal Chemistry and student of the Master of Clinical Research at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon.

Submission form

Dates of upcoming meetings

June 6, 2024
July 6, 2024
August 1, 2024
September 5, 2024
October 26, 2024
November 7, 2024
December 5, 2024

CES Regulation

Decree-Law 80/2018, of October 15