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CNS at Home Program

Intensive Blended Home Program

Neurological diseases require specialized multidisciplinary care and continuous medical and nursing monitoring. We have developed a set of home support solutions as a way to improve the response to current patient needs and simultaneously enhance the comfort and safety of patients and families.

Services Included:

Monthly visits

  • 1x medical team;
  • 1x psychology or nutrition (depending on the patient’s main needs);
  • 2x nursing;


  • Preparation and delivery of medication;
  • Weekly neurorehabilitation sessions:
    3x in person
    2x remote

Pedido de Marcação


CNS Torres Vedras

Bairro de Santo António, N. 7
2560-280 Torres Vedras | PORTUGAL

(+351) 261 330 700

CNS Lisboa

Rua Carlos Alves, N. 5
1600-515 Lisboa | PORTUGAL

(+351) 210 548 640