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CNS at Home Program

Intensive Home Program

Neurological diseases require specialized multidisciplinary care and continuous medical and nursing monitoring. We have developed a set of home support solutions as a way to improve the response to current patient needs and simultaneously enhance the comfort and safety of patients and families.

Services Included:

Monthly visits

  • 1x medical team;
  • 1x psychology or nutrition (depending on the patient’s main needs);
  • 2x nursing;


  • 5x neurorehabilitation sessions
  • Preparation and delivery of medication

Pedido de Marcação

General and Family Medicine Consultations

Rehabilitation sessions (physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, cognitive training)

Psychological Support Consultation

Nutrition Consultation

Multidisciplinary programs at home


CNS Torres Vedras

Bairro de Santo António, N. 7
2560-280 Torres Vedras | PORTUGAL

(+351) 261 330 700

CNS Lisboa

Rua Carlos Alves, N. 5
1600-515 Lisboa | PORTUGAL

(+351) 210 548 640