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Sofia Rocha

Sofia Rocha


Sofia Rocha



  • Neurology

Principais áreas de interesse

  • Neurodegenerative diseases, dementia.

Formação académica

  • Integrated Master’s Degree in Medicine from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto.
  • Internship in Neurology at the Hospital de Braga.

Resumo da atividade Científica

  • Researcher in clinical trials in the area of ​​Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias.
  • 23 scientific articles published in indexed journals.

Atividade Académica

  • Professor of Anatomophysiology at the Faculty of Health Sciences of the Fernando Pessoa University, Porto.


CNS Braga

Av. 31 de Janeiro, nº 620

4710-452 Braga | PORTUGAL

(+351) 253 401 600