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Filipa Pona Ferreira



Filipa Pona Ferreira


Physiotherapy Coordinator


  • Physiotherapy

Principais áreas de interesse

  • Parkinson’s disease, atypical parkinsonisms, functional neurological diseases.

Formação académica

  • Degree in Physiotherapy from the Escola Superior de Saúde do Alcoitão.
  • Postgraduate degree in Management of Health Institutions from the Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão.
  • Master’s student in Neuroscience at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon.

Resumo da atividade Científica

  • Researcher in clinical research projects at CNS – Campus Neurológico.
  • 11 scientific articles published in indexed journals.

Atividade Académica

  • Supervision of curricular internships at the Alcoitão Higher School of Health, Egas Moniz Higher School of Health, Atlantic Higher School of Health, Red Cross Higher School of Health.


CNS Lisboa

Rua Carlos Alves, N. 5
1600-515 Lisboa | PORTUGAL

(+351) 210 548 640