Fernanda Amaral

Fernanda Amaral
- Physiotherapy
Principais áreas de interesse
- Pediatric neurological diseases, developmental disorders, respiratory and musculoskeletal physiotherapy.
Formação académica
- Degree in Physiotherapy from the Lisbon School of Health Technology.
- Master’s degree in Physiotherapy from the Lisbon School of Health Technology.
- V Basic Course in Paediatric Palliative Care from the Hospital de Santa Maria – CHLN.
- Course in Integrative Paediatric Manual Therapy and Introduction to Neurodevelopment from the Office of Manual Therapies and Integrated Medicine.
- Course in Child Development Assessment with SGS II from the Federation of Portuguese Cerebral Palsy Associations.
- Course in TND (Bobath) “intervention in the baby”, “Baby with developmental delay” and “Neurodevelopmental Treatment” from the Portuguese Cerebral Palsy Association.
Resumo da atividade Científica
- 1 Scientific article published.
Atividade Académica
- Invited Assistant Professor at the Egas Moniz School of Health.
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the Maternal and Child Postgraduate Program at the Egas Moniz School of Health.
- Supervision of Physiotherapy internships.
Rua Carlos Alves, N. 5
1600-515 Lisboa | PORTUGAL